1900, January 31  -Birth in Serbtzi, Macedonia.
1907, Spring  -Destruction of village. Departure for Varna.
1908, October 3  -Death of Mikhaël’s father.
1909  -Reads Proverbs
1915  -Illumination.
1917, Winter  -First meeting with Peter Deunov, Varna.
1923  -University studies in Sofia.
1930  -Teaches in secondary school.
1934 or 1935  -School Director.
1937, July 22  -Arrival in France.
1938, January 29  -First public talk.
1944, Christmas  -Publication of first collection of talks.
1944, December 27  -Death of Peter Deunov aged 80.
1948, January 21  -Arrested on false charge.
1948, July 17  -Sentenced to 4 years in prison.
1950, March  -Released from prison.
1950, March 19  -Renews contact with brotherhood.
1953, July 8  -First summer convention at the Bonfin.
1959, February 11  -Departure for India.
1959, June 17  -First meeting with Babaji.
1960, February 9  -Return from India.
1960, September 28  -Rehabilitation by Court of Appeals.
1961, Spring  -Travels to England.
1962, May  -Travels to Spain.
1964, May  -Travels to Italy, Greece, Serbtzi. Meets his mother.
1965, Spring  -Travels to Sweden, Holland, Germany.
1965, June  -Travels to Spain.
1967, May & June  -Travels to United States & Canada.
1968, May & June  -Travels to Israel.
1969, May  -Travels to Greece & Turkey.
1970, April 25  -Travels to Japan, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong.
1971, May 6  -Travels to Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Greece, Yugoslavia.
1971, September 18  -Fourth Esoteric Convention in Berlin.
1973, August 5  -Death of Dolia.
1974, April  -Publication of Complete Works Vol. 1
1975  -Complete Works sold in bookstores in France.
1976  -First translations of Complete Works.
1977, May & June  -Inter-religious convention in Paris.
1978, December 17  -Travels to United-States, Antilles.
1981, Spring  -Travels to Canada, United-States.
1981, June 18  -Travels to Bulgaria.
1981, October 12  -Travels to United States. Public talks.
1981, December 10  -Travels to Thailand.
1982, February 5  -Travels to India.
1982, November  -Travels to England, Scotland.
1983, January  -Travels to Egypt.
1983, April 28  -Travels to Scandinavia.
1984, January 18  -Travels to United States.
1984, May 6  -Travels to Canada. Public talks.
1985, January 25  -Travels to United States, Mexico, Canada.
1986, December 25  -Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov leaves this world.

*Taken from the biography "The Life of a Master in the West" by Louise-Marie Frenette. Prosveta US Dist. 2009.