Cultivating our Own Earth


And now, what can I tell you today on the subject of the Sun?

‘I have already spoken to you about the Sun as the center of the solar system, and that it acts on all of creation, on all creatures and other entities.

Consider all those who plant, the farmers and laborers who intend to reap fruits, vegetables, cereals, and so on. They prepare the earth, they sow seeds in it and then leave it and wait for warm weather. Without warmth, nothing germinates and grows, but then spring comes. The Sun begins to warm the earth, and the seeds which were buried, silently engulfed and huddled in the earth, begin to feel the Sun caressing them, calling to them and extending invitations to them, and they begin to hear, to feel, to awaken because of the warmth. You will say: “What is this you’re telling us? This all happens automatically and unconsciously.” I know, I know, but what do you expect? I express things poetically in order to make them more beautiful.

But all the same, there is this life that was hidden, that was sleeping, and now it is set in motion and activates a whole process. All these seeds which begin to germinate and grow become beautiful, extraordinary, and humans collect, pick, gather, rejoicing because they can continue to live.’


What has brought about this impulsion, this life, this growth:

it was the warmth of the Sun.’

Now, you must understand the depth of this on every level. It is important to know the correspondences, the significance, the practical aspect of this process, and how to make use of it. In the same way, God has deposited seeds in the soul, spirit and heart of the human being, and in the physical body as well. Why don’t they grow and bear fruit? Because human beings have forgotten to approach the Sun and be warmed by it; they have forgotten that the Sun’s warmth, rays and light can activate all that has been deposited within us.

‘And if you only knew what deposits the Lord has made within us!

For now I will only say that God has deposited in human beings all qualities, virtues, gifts, capacities, magic powers and splendors for the future, for the day they will begin to perceive that the Sun and its warmth are the essential elements that make everything grow. When humans begin to approach the spiritual Sun, all the qualities and seeds within them will begin to germinate, grow, blossom and bear fruit.

Those who seek the Sun expose themselves to it each morning so that these seeds will germinate.


When we understand the value of something, immediately we set about searching for it. This is why we must seek the spiritual Sun!

For the initiates, the Sun has first place. They know what to do and will tell you: “Expose yourself and allow the Sun to do its work.” Thus the sun will do part of the work, but the other part we must do within ourselves, watering these seeds with our love, our affection, our faith, our confidence and our desire to water what the Sun has warmed. What does it mean to participate? It means to give a helping hand to the Sun; it means to do something yourself at the same time. The Sun does something, and you do so as well. In other words, you meditate, you contemplate, you pray and give thanks, and then perhaps you pronounce a few words. In this way you take part and water these little shoots with your heart, with your goodness, so that everything is off to a good start.

So these farmers, these agronomists who cultivate their own earth know full well what happens without the Sun. This is why they consciously present themselves before the rising sun, exposing themselves to it so that the seeds God has deposited in them will be awakened. It is very clear, very simple. The Sun is capable of awakening all of their qualities, all of their virtues.

O.M.A  01-08-1967


4 Responses

  1. Quel beau texte pour ce printemps! Chaque fois que le Maître nous rappelle le travail que nous devons faire nous-mêmes, cela nous donne un nouvel élan...
  2. Comment concevoir autre chose, que la richesse d'un tel Enseignement pour diriger notre vie. Tout y est exact et à sa place. Et quand le soleil n'est pas visible, il y a toujours des oiseaux pour nous dire de continuer .
  3. stmichel
    Que dire de plus le Soleil, c'est la Vie, la chaleur et l'Amour! Il rend les gens rayonnants et heureux! Merci
  4. Merci à l'équipe de Prosvera pour tous ces beaux et inspirants partages!!! Lumineuse continuation! ?

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